Demystifying Cults: Two by Twos
We talk a lot about religious trauma and cult recovery here at Traumastery, and we believe that knowledge is power, so let’s take a moment to learn about the cult: Two by Twos. Scroll down to the bottom of this post to watch Dr. Quincee break down the features of the Two by Twos.
The Two by Twos are a home-based religious movement. They originated in Ireland by an evangelical preacher, William Irvine. The church is called “The Way” or “The Truth.”
Irvine was known for his comfortable lifestyle (speculation of his use of church funds) and “weakness with women.”
Preachers are itinerant, meaning they stay at churches for short periods of time and move on to another church and work in groups of two.
The Two by Twos:
Believe that all god’s teachings have to be expressed orally - almost nothing is written down. (Red flag!)
Ministers do not own homes or draw salaries.
King James Bible is the only book used for teachings.
Have to hear the preaching directly because it’s God speaking through minister or “worker.”
Salvation requires self-sacrifice and suffering is revered (Red Flag!)
Modest dress, no jewelry, long hair for women, short hair for men, avoiding frivolous activities such as watching movies or TV, no social media
We believe that the first step in cult recovery and overcoming religious trauma is recognizing that your experience was traumatic to begin with.
Take our Religious Trauma Quiz Here
Survivors: If you are asking yourself, what is religious trauma? Oh my goodness, am I in a cult? Was my religious experience a little bit culty? Or do I have religious trauma? First off, I would like to say how proud I am of you for having the courage to question your experiences. Secondly, we have a curated education membership for survivors just like you. Come join us in A Year of Non-Magical Thinking and learn how cult groups work, ways that indoctrination and emotional manipulation was used to keep you "in" and how you can begin the next steps of your recovery. Join us today.
Therapists: If you are helping clients navigate the tricky space of religious trauma and cult recovery and you are longing for more support and a safe place to learn more about these dynamics, come join us for A Year of Non-Magical Thinking for Therapists. This is a curated education and consultation membership where you learn all about indoctrination, thought reform, coercive control and more, all while having a safe space to get consultation for your religious trauma cases.